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Ma Hope Ho'i Ma Mua

(2) recognizes and commends efforts of reconciliation initiated by the State of Hawaii and the United Church of Christ with Native Hawaiians;

(3) apologizes to Native Hawaiians on behalf of the people of the United States for the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii on January 17, 1893 with the participation of agents and citizens of the United States, and the deprivation of the rights of Native Hawaiians to self-determination;

They've now called these people "agents." So their conduct, their illegal conduct, binds the United States government, which means the United States government then is under an obligation to undo the harm that was done. But even if they don't, the Native Hawaiian people have a right to act to undo that harm.

And again if you doubt that, the rest of the sentence says, "The deprivation of the rights of Native Hawaiians to self-determination..." So in other words, Congress has conceded that the Native Hawaiian people have a right to self-determination. What does that right include? Well, as I said, self- determination of peoples under the U.N. Charter reads, a right to a state of your own and to membership ultimately someday in the United Nations organization, just like the 188 other states that are currently members of the United Nations today.

Prof. Francis A. Boyle
Dec. 28, 1993

Ma Hope Ho'i Ma Mua